Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Life in the U.S. after Switzerland. Sad.


One thing has become clear: The Frau needs a mental break from her own country.

To think: she gave up a permanent Swiss residence permit for non-stop psychological abuse from her own government. What a horrible trade. Sad.

The good news is this: The Frau will get the mental break she needs in a few months. She is headed back to her beloved Switzerland for a little while.

The Zurich Writers Workshop, which will be held May 12-14, 2017, is The Frau’s main excuse for heading back to Switzerland. The workshop is going to feature two amazing New York Times bestselling authors, Susan Jane Gilman and Jill Alexander Essbaum (remember that Zurich-based novel, Hausfrau?). Registration just opened and The Frau would love to see some of her fellow Yodelers over the weekend. If you can’t commit to the full weekend, it’s possible to just attend the Sunday afternoon panel, Career Paths for Writers. On this panel, The Frau will be speaking about how to make a living as a writer. And she’ll be joined by New York Times travel journalist Adam H Graham as well as by featured workshop authors Susan and Jill.

It’s strange to think about this, but after she visits Switzerland, if the U.S. doesn’t let The Frau back in her own country because of some yet-unknown un-constitutional whim, she won’t mind. It will give her the excuse she needs to try to find another country to call home—she’s done this before, after all. 

It’s all so disappointing though. The Frau wanted to love her country again, but it’s not easy to be an American right now. In fact, it’s really, really horrible to be an American right now.

The only good news is that there are millions of Americans who agree with The Frau about the way things are going and are doing everything they can to act against what is happening. The Frau is part of several grassroots groups at the moment and is excited by the energy that is gathering against the horror. In the end, The Frau has to believe that the millions of well-meaning Americans will triumph. The ones who believe in immigration, in diversity, in equal rights, and in the constitution that promises to uphold them all.



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